Potluck Topic 2/16/25

Sermon Stammtisch with Vicar Brady
This week in the gospel, we encounter Luke’s unique telling of the Beatitudes, with both “blessings” and “woes.” Come reflect on the sermon and what Luke’s telling of the gospel means for our lives today.

Potluck Topic 2/9/25

Bible Study – Overview of Luke
We are in Year C of our three year lectionary cycle for worship (where we read primarily from Matthew, Mark, and Luke in different years…with a bit of John sprinkled throughout). This is the year of Luke. At potluck this week, we will do an overview of how the different gospels fit together, and we will discuss what makes Luke unique among them. Bring a dish to share if you can, and plan to join in!

Potluck Topic 2/2/25

Legislative Event Recap
This Sunday after worship, you are invited to stay for potluck, where Pastor Carolyn will report on the United Women in Faith Legislative Event that took place this past week. We will review some legislation that has been filed this session so far, and the landscape of various policy areas, including education, healthcare, immigration, and others. We will also discuss various ways to be involved in advocacy efforts during the session.

Potluck Topic 1/19/25

Pot Luck & Service Project for MLK Jr. Remembrance
Our potluck this Sunday will include the assembling of hygiene bags for Mobile Loaves and Fishes, as we honor the legacy of the martyr Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. After bags have been assembled we will read some of Dr. King’s work, discuss his life and martyrdom, and our call to serve God and neighbors in the light of this modern martyr for Christ.

Potluck Topic 1/12/25

Baptism of Our Lord & Our Own Baptismal Stories
As we celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord, we’ll spend our potluck time also discussing our own baptismal stories as well as the baptismal theology of the Lutheran Church and the early Church. You are encouraged to bring a dish that you most associate with baptism, be it a meal that was enjoyed on the day of your baptism or on the baptism of a loved one.

Potluck Topic 1/5/25

Epiphany Traditions & New Year’s Intentions
At potluck, we will discuss further the global tradition of blessing homes at Epiphany, as well as more recent Epiphany traditions, like star words. We will also spend some time discussing how to create life-giving intentions for the new year…perhaps expanding the practice of “resolutions” to encompass new things we haven’t thought about before.

Christmas Eve Worship

Christmas Eve Worship 4 pm and 7 pm, prelude 30 minutes before services.

The Longest Night

Worship with Peace Lutheran Church on The Longest Night
Saturday, December 21 at 7:00 pm

As Christmas nears the nights lengthen, we remember how Christ is present in both light and darkness. For many of us the sparkle, cheer, and brightness of the season are not enough to hold our whole selves.


Dec 2024 Events

Carol Singalong 2024

Peace Lutheran Church Invites you to sing together “The Loveliest Christmas Songs”
Peace Lutheran Church (10625 N FM 620) invites the community on Sunday, December 8 at 5:00 pm to sing “The Loveliest Christmas Songs” together.


Holiday Meal Drive 2024

Thank You!
Due to your generosity, the peaches and pie shells have been delivered. Along with all the other partners who support Hill Country Community Ministry they will again be able to supply a hearty Holiday Meal to those in our community who would have not been able to celebrate


Potlucks Oct – Nov

Upcoming Post-Worship Potlucks
We are excited for our next series of post-worship potlucks. Here are out topics for the coming weeks:


Fall Festival 10/20

Sunday, October 20, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM – Rain or Shine
Have fun with your family, friends and neighbors. There will be activities and games for all ages: ring toss — yard jenga — corn hole – pumpkin sweep – pumpkin relay — fall crafts — cookie walk — temporary tattoos — guessing the weight of the great pumpkin — food

person reading a book

Bible Blessing Oct 27

person reading a book

Bible Blessing on Reformation Sunday October 27 at 10:00 am 

As we commemorate the Protestant Reformation, we remember Martin Luther, who translated the New Testament into the language of the people so we might all read God’s word for yourselves. If you would like a Bible, for yourself or a loved one, we will bless one in worship to send home with you!


All Saints Sunday Nov 3

All Saints Sunday Worship – November 3

On All Saints Sunday, we worship and remember the saints who have gone before us. You are invited to add names of those we can remember and honor to the Book of Life in the Sanctuary through October 27 (or you may email names to to be added).

Potluck Topic 10/6

Faith & Civic Life – Putting it into Practice

This Sunday for potluck, we will follow up on our previous series by holding a ballot research session where folks can look over their sample ballot and research down ballot candidates and other issues for the upcoming election. We will also go over the legislative priorities that have been released by Texas Impact for the upcoming Texas State Legislative Session beginning in January.

You are invited to bring a dish to share or a brown bag lunch. You may want to print your sample ballot ahead of time, if you can. See you there!

Civic Life & Faith

Civic Life & Faith Conversations at Post-Worship Potlucks & Online Sundays and Mondays in September

Join in the upcoming adult education series on Civic Life & Faith, very timely in this general election season. We will be reading through and discussing the new draft social statement from the ELCA (the national church body of which we are a member).


Day of Service 9/8

God’s Work, Our Hands – ELCA Day of Service – Sunday September 8
Please join us after the service this Sunday to fill bags with hygiene products that will be taken on the Mobile Loaves and Fishes truck for families in need. With your help this will go quickly and smoothly. Potluck lunch will follow for those who wish to participate.

Potlucks resume 9/1

Post-worship potlucks return this Sunday – September 1 at 11:30! This week we’ll be talking about how our denomination comes to positions on social issues to get ready for a more in depth study of the ELCA’s new draft statement about faith and civic life. (And we’ll be adding online sessions, too, for those who can’t connect in person on Sundays!)

Day of Service

God’s Work, Our Hands – ELCA Day of Service – Sunday September 8

The Congregational & Community Care Board will be sponsoring three (3) volunteer opportunities for Peace members and friends. In order to assess interest, we will have volunteer sign-up sheets at Rally Day on August 18. You can also indicate interest by email. You can volunteer for more than one activity!


Rally Day 8/18

Kick Off The Program Year with Peace (and a very special guest) – August 18
On Sunday August 18, Peace will kick off the program year, and we hope you can be there!
In worship at 10 am, we’ll have a blessing for bags & backpacks for those returning to school (and those continuing to go to work).


School Supply Donations

In preparation for the coming school year, Peace is collecting items for “The Locker” at Cedar Park High School.  The Locker gives access to hygiene items, clothes, and school supplies for students who need them. Donations may be brought to the altar this Sunday, August 18.


Austin Pride 8/10

Save the Date: Sat. August 10 – Austin PRIDE
Austin Reconciling Lutheran (Peace and other local RIC organizations) are registered for both the Festival and the Parade. We will be needing more SWAG for both, so if you see any good deals please pick up some and bring it to the church. Look for upcoming details and sign-ups for both the Festival and Parade.

Welcome Bishop Briner

Welcome Bishop Sue Briner July 14
We are honored that Bishop Briner will join us to lead worship on Sunday, July 14. We hope you  can attend to offer your gratitude for her presence and hear from her about the ministry of the wider synod.

LuMin Support

Thank you for Supporting LuMin!
Peace Lutheran did a fantastic job of supporting the LuMin (Lutheran Campus Ministries at the University of Texas at Austin) campus last month.  A big thank you to the 12 folks who went down to UT to prep and serve the Tuesday Tailgate meal on April 23.  And equally big thank you to all who donated to pay for that meal.  Peace sent a check for $1,025 to LuMin. Feeding hungry folks is what Jesus did, and what we are called to do.  It is a wonderful way to share God’s love.