School Supply Donations

In preparation for the coming school year, Peace is collecting items for “The Locker” at Cedar Park High School.  The Locker gives access to hygiene items, clothes, and school supplies for students who need them. Donations may be brought to the altar this Sunday, August 18.


Austin Pride 8/10

Save the Date: Sat. August 10 – Austin PRIDE
Austin Reconciling Lutheran (Peace and other local RIC organizations) are registered for both the Festival and the Parade. We will be needing more SWAG for both, so if you see any good deals please pick up some and bring it to the church. Look for upcoming details and sign-ups for both the Festival and Parade.

Welcome Bishop Briner

Welcome Bishop Sue Briner July 14
We are honored that Bishop Briner will join us to lead worship on Sunday, July 14. We hope you  can attend to offer your gratitude for her presence and hear from her about the ministry of the wider synod.

LuMin Support

Thank you for Supporting LuMin!
Peace Lutheran did a fantastic job of supporting the LuMin (Lutheran Campus Ministries at the University of Texas at Austin) campus last month.  A big thank you to the 12 folks who went down to UT to prep and serve the Tuesday Tailgate meal on April 23.  And equally big thank you to all who donated to pay for that meal.  Peace sent a check for $1,025 to LuMin. Feeding hungry folks is what Jesus did, and what we are called to do.  It is a wonderful way to share God’s love.

Potluck 5/12

May 12 Post-Worship Potluck – Synod Assembly Sharing Session
Join in after worship on Sunday to hear about synod assembly from those who went this year representing Peace: Pastor Carolyn, Vicar Brady, and Gene and Kathleen Holiman. They’ll talk about what synod assembly even is anyway…and what happened there in Corpus Christi this year. And then, you can feel free to ask questions!

Potluck 5/5

Israeli/Hamas/Palestinian conflict

Bring your favorite dish (or an easy dish, or something that you picked up at HEB that morning) and stay for Food, Fellowship. and Learning. Or just stay, there is always plenty.

Rev. Rodger Ericson has recently traveled to Amman Jordan Also Rodger has a grandson who he visited that works with humanitarian aid to Palestinians. Rodger will share what he has seen and lead a discussion.

VBS 2024

Vacation Bible School – June 10-14
This year with new hours – 8:00 am to 3:30 pm*

Staff from Cross Trails Ministry will be joining Peace volunteers to host this week of learning and fun together.


Potluck 4/28

This past Monday we celebrated Earth Day, focusing on the care and mending of God’s creation. On Sunday we’ll be having a collaborative conversation on gardening in central Texas.


Potluck 4/21

God is the cure-giver, and Stephen Ministers are the care-givers. At this week’s potluck after worship, come learn about Stephen Ministry–its history, how it works, who can benefit from a Stephen Ministry relationship, and much more! Come with any questions you have about it.

Potluck 4/6

LuMin Pastor Brad Fuerst will be leading Worship. He will be happy to answer question after the service about UT’s Lutheran Campus Ministry, including the Tuesday Tailgate Meals and the Daily Bread Food Pantry.


Holy Week & Easter 2024

This Sunday, we enter Holy Week…


Lenten Study

Lenten Study – Manna & Mercy
This Lent during at our Sunday post-worship potlucks, we’ll be using the book Manna and Mercy by Lutheran pastor theologian Daniel Erlander.  We’ll also use the book on Wednesday evening worship following the Wednesday potluck. Study Guide for Manna and Mercy.

Ash Wednesday & Lent

We enter the sacred season of Lent on Ash Wednesday, February 14 at 7:00 PM. On a day when the wider world is awash in pink hearts and chocolates and flowers, we will reflect on love and life, too, but in a different way.


Guest Pastor

Welcome Rev. Michael Coffey
Sunday, January 28, Rev. Michael Coffey will be our guest preacher and presider.


Potluck 1/28

Sunday, January 28 is potluck and a class on BIAS.  It is about the biases humans typically bring to new situations and ways to change thinking to escape the boxes the biases create. This class has lots of discussion so more people will make the class more interesting. 

Potluck 12/17

Food and… The Texas Ramp Project

After the service, this Sunday, plan to stay for the potluck and learn about the Texas Ramp Project. The mission statement for The Texas Ramp Project is “Building Freedom for the Homebound”.


Welcome Ruben

Welcome to Music Director Ruben Rincon, Jr.
After time of transition and discernment, the Music Director Search Team, with input from members of the congregation, were overjoyed to offer the position to Ruben Rincon, Jr….and were even more overjoyed when he accepted and was ready to hit the ground running to prepare for the Christmas season.


Carol Sing Along 12/10

Celebrate the joy of the season at Peace Lutheran Church’s event, “The Loveliest Christmas Songs.”
Join us on December 10 from 5-6 pm for an evening filled with the warmth of community and the beauty of timeless melodies. No service, no sermon, in the Finnish tradition, we experience the joy of singing together.
The event will be livestreamed for those unable to attend in person. 

Deck the Halls 12/10

Deck the Halls of Peace on December 10, after the morning service. Join other volunteers in hanging garlands and wreaths and in placing ornaments on the tall sanctuary tree. Also enjoy refreshments and bring your donation for the “Cookie Crumble.”

Plate of cookies

Cookie Crumble 12/10

Plate of cookies
Each December for the past few years Peace has held a fund-raiser that is utterly sweet: our Cookie Crumble. This year we will hold the event after worship on December 10. You are invited to take a box (which will be provided) and fill it with goodies — and to make a donation to Hill Country Community Ministry’s Food Pantry.

Advent Potluck 12/3

Food And…Advent!
Post-Worship Potluck for December 3

After fellowship time on Sunday, December 3, you are invited to stay for a potluck and discussion of traditions and spiritual practices for the season of Advent. 

Ecumenical Thanksgiving

Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
Tuesday, November 21 – 7:30 pm
St. Thomas More Catholic Church


Potluck 11/19

Potluck and Learning Resumes
“Food and…The End of the World!”
Sunday, November 19, after worship at 11:30 am
Our potluck and learning routine has been a bit irregular in recent weeks…but this week potluck is back! We’ll gather for food and discussion on the topic “Waiting at the End of the World.”


All Saints Sunday 2023

All Saints Sunday Worship & Potluck – November 5
On All Saints Sunday, we worship and remember the saints who have gone before us. You are invited to add names of those we can remember and honor to the Book of Life in the Sanctuary


Reformation Sunday 2023

Reformation is Coming!
This Sunday, October 29, you are invited to wear red or other fire colors…and to join in worship at 10 am in person or online, where Peace welcomes new members and blesses Bibles for the coming year of study.