HCCM Needs You Today

Many people have been asking what is needed, and at this time, it’s very simple. We need money donations.


Being Present During Strange Times

What happens when you have a problem and you would like to talk with someone but the world is upside down and you hear from every direction that you need to keep isolated? This seems to be where we are at now and for the near future.


Being Community in a Pandemic

To help our community stay connected during this time of social distancing, we will be using a variety of ways to connect. As we shift the rhythms of life to stay safe and healthy, we know we still need each other.


A Message from Pastor Carolyn

Dear Peace Family,

In response to the current virus outbreak and the recommendations of health professionals and government agencies, we are changing the shape of our community life for a time to avoid in-person contact. We know this is difficult,


Taking Care with Dementia

Five How-to Tips for Visiting a Person with Dementia
About five million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia. The disease affects thought, language and memory. You may have a family member with dementia, or you may know someone in your congregation or community.


Crop Walk 2020

Leander-Cedar Park CROP Hunger Walk – On April 19 we will gather with others in our community to fight hunger both here and around the world. Opportunities to participate:
* Sign up to be a walker/fundraiser – February 23 – March 8 in the Narthex


Interview with Mary Mayo

Peace Preschool believes that learning is rooted in life experiences that allow for exploration and discovery, nurtured by wise guidance from well-educated teachers.  Our curriculum is centered on providing a wide range of learning experiences so that children develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, linguistically and spiritually.


Stewardship Notes for July, 2019

     In our monthly articles, we have tried to emphasize different aspects of a Stewardship lifestyle.  We hope that you have come to appreciate the depth and breadth of Stewardship and to recognize that this subject includes our whole lives.   We said previously that a steward is someone who manages another person’s property, finances, or affairs.  This month, we want to remind all of us that we are stewards of ourselves – our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.  Now, you might be thinking that, if there is anything that truly and exclusively belongs to ourselves, and not to anyone else, it is our very selves!   Right?  Absolutely not!  Let us explore what the Holy Bible says.


Cross Trails Ministry Summer Camping

Peace has a long tradition of nurturing our youth and families through the programs of Cross Trails Ministry. Their two camps are in the Texas Hill Country; Ebert Ranch a little west of Fredericksburg and Camp Chrysalis just south of Kerrville. Both camps are a fun way to grow, explore, and have fun in a God-centered environment. Youth often form friendships that last a lifetime. This year’s theme is “God in Action.” Our youth will explore how God calls each of us to do God’s work in the world – everyone has a part when God is in Action!


School Supply Drive – Fifth Sunday Giving 

The 8th annual school supply drive for Purple Sage Elementary School will begin this year by designating it as the recipient for Fifth Sunday Giving on June 30. Purple Sage is an elementary school in our church neighborhood with a large population of students on free and reduced lunch who may not have the money to provide all the supplies needed to start the school year.


Stewardship Notes for June 2019

The primary purpose of Stewardship is to serve the will of God.  The main goal of our Peace Lutheran Church Stewardship Planning Committee is to help all of our congregation’s members and participants to live their lives with purpose and meaning, so that God’s creating, redeeming, and sanctifying activity will flourish in our community and world.   We seek to equip, nurture, and challenge all people who are connected with Peace Lutheran Church to lead a Stewardship lifestyle which encompasses all areas of living and is not limited to providing financial support for our congregation, and for God’s people elsewhere.


32nd Annual National Cancer Survivor’s Day

National Cancer Survivors Day® is a celebration for those who have survived, and an inspiration for those recently diagnosed with cancer. A ‘survivor’ is anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life.


How Peace Serves

“Are you available to provide a ride for someone?” is a call I get sometimes from our volunteer office. It may be for a ride for a medical appointment, to be picked up after their dialysis treatment, to attend Mass, or to go shopping.  Many of us at Peace are volunteers with Faith in Action, Drive a Senior, Northwest who “drive a senior” somewhere… We help men and women who are not able to drive or should not be driving. I especially like to help people who are on kidney dialysis.


Men and Stephen Ministry

You’ve heard it time and time again: “Pull yourself together. . . . Cheer up. . . . Tough it out. . . . It’s not that bad.” Perhaps people have said it to you. Or perhaps you keep saying it to yourself. But it hasn’t helped. You’re still hurting. Things are coming apart. Here’s the good news: You don’t have to go through your struggles alone. Help is available.


Stewardship Notes for May 2019

This month, we emphasize that we are Stewards of Money and Wealth.   By definition, a steward is someone who manages another person’s property, finances, or other affairs.  Now, you may be thinking that you are barely able to manage your own money and wealth, and much less able to take responsibility for someone else’s finances.   Nevertheless, God has called you to take care of the financial resources that He has entrusted to you. 


The Mystery That’s Always in the Room

At the beginning of Lent, I went to a panel discussion of leaders who care for people at the end of life. One of them, a chaplain, spoke of how powerfully she is called to her work…how deep an honor it is…because she bears witness to the great mystery that is in the room when death comes. She went on to say…the mystery is always in the room, of course…


Stewardship Notes for April 2019

     This month, our Stewardship emphasis is that we are Stewards of God’s Creation.   From the beginning of the Book of Genesis, we learn that when God created humanity, He created us to have dominion over other animals (Genesis 1:26 & 28), which did not mean that humans were given unlimited power to exploit nature but, instead, humans were intended to serve as God’s representatives in the created order.  


 Reflections on Listening to the Congregation

The Listening Team has started the next phase of the Missional River process which is to listen to the community. We want to share our reflections on what were some of the key takeaways from listening to the congregation.


Staying Healthy During Lent

During Lent, many people give up foods or sweets that they enjoy. The practice of fasting or giving up something is to help us turn away from whatever has distracted or derailed us and to turn back to God; thus allowing us to focus on turning our hearts and minds back toward God.


Compare & Contrast – Mutual Ministry & Stephen Ministry

These ministries are an integral part of Peace Lutheran Church.  How do I know?  I’ve participated in both and been rewarded personally by serving in each of these ministries.

Stephen Ministry has been a part of Peace for approximately 25 years.  During that time the Stephen Ministers have served unselfishly to be available to people in crisis.  Some of those people were members of our congregation and others were members of the community at large.  Some of those people felt blessed and were grateful enough that they also became Stephen Ministers to serve others.


News from our preschool…

Peace Preschool will be holding our annual spring fundraiser and silent auction Tuesday – Thursday, April 23-25.  This spring we are taking a break from the carnival. Instead, we will have a “kick-off” breakfast April 23 at 9am, then our auction will conclude at 1pm on the 25th.   You’re welcome to drop by any time between 9am – 1pm those days to bid on items. We’ll have our usual gift certificates, including fun family activities in San Antonio, Houston, Dallas and Austin.  We also have a night at the Fairmont Austin.  If you would like to support the preschool via our silent auction, please contact director Mary Mayo for a list of silent auction items.  We’ll be providing a “buy now” option and can also arrange to bid on your behalf if you’re a Peace member.  Email or call the preschool at 512-401-6001 or


5th Sunday Giving – Equipping Leaders of Tomorrow Today!

In 2018 an amazing journey to create the Tiemann Endowment Fund for Leadership Development was begun. This fund was successfully established to support the development of congregational lay leaders, pastors, and deacons serving under Letter of Call.



As Spring 2019 approaches, consider helping to care for our church grounds by adopting a garden area as part of Peace’s ADOPT A PLOT program: 


Frequently Asked Questions About Stephen Ministry

Here are a few FAQ’s for those who are curious about Stephen Ministry.


Stewardship Notes for March 2019

In our monthly articles concerning Stewardship, we have been exploring various aspects of how we use the resources that God has entrusted to our care to love God and our neighbors. We acknowledge that God has called us to serve our neighbors. Last month, we considered some ways in which we can help neighbors that are far away through global communities. This month, we want to emphasize that we are Stewards of Local Community.