Please email us for current information about confirmation classes and other youth programs and activities.


School Supply Drive 2022

Wow! This year has seen the largest financial donation ever to the school supply drive. Our congregation raised $1115 for the students and teachers of Anderson Mill Elementary. Anderson Mill Elementary is a Title 1 school meaning that more than half of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch. If you are able please consider staying after church this Sunday, August 7th for the blessing of the supplies and for their assembly into grade level bags. Any excess funds will go towards purchase of disinfectant wipes and tissue for teachers to use in their classrooms during the year. The supplies will be delivered to the school on the morning of August 9th.


New Program Year 2021

The Program Year Begins! Here are the Faith Formation Connections coming up:


Dungeons and Dragons and Dads

Join us for Dungeons and Dragons Tuesdays at 7 pm on Zoom! 
If you would like to join you will need a filled out Character Sheet and your imagination! Contact us to get the zoom link or if you have any questions! 

12/13/20 Christmas Program

Join us here, on Facebook or YouTube for the Christmas Program at 1:00 pm on December 13.

Christmas Program Online

Recording December 6, 2020 – Online Presentation December 13, 2020
This year our Children’s Christmas Program will be done online! We will record our program via Zoom, and share it on December 13th! You can find our script here. And you can sign up for a part here on Sign Up Genius. There are many different parts to be filled, and children and adults are welcome to participate!


Blessing of the Animals

We invite the animals in your household to receive a special blessing on Sunday October 4 at 11:15 on Zoom as we bless our pets and all creation in our care during a special gathering following the worship service. Check the weekly email update for the link or email us.

Confirmation Starts Sunday 9/27/2020

Our new year of Confirmation starts Sunday, September 27, at 5 pm on Zoom! We pray that our new year of Confirmation Ministry in a new way is blessed with new relationships, growth in faith, and new connections with our youth, parents, and mentors!
Email Jacob or Pastor Carolyn if you’d like to be part of our confirmation ministry or know someone in 6th-8th grade who’d like to participate!

Rally Day August 23

We  look forward to celebrating an online version of Rally Day on August 23rd at 11am! Everyone is invited to join us for a fun day of fellowship and games online. This will be a time for our kids and adults to reconnect online and check-in with each other. We will share some highs and lows, and play a few games that even our youngest children can enjoy!

New School Year Blessings Aug 16

Though our times of remote worship and learning have both extended beyond what many of us expected…a new academic year is beginning, and we want to surround this transition with blessing…maybe now more than ever. As we continue to worship online on August 16…please bring your book bag, learning technologies, supplies, masks…and anything you anticipate using to support learning and teaching this year for a special blessing and prayer as part of the service.