What Now?

Journeying through Holy Week and Easter may have brought a new sense of unsettledness to some of us…as surely as it brought joy at the resurrection dawn. In Lent, it made a certain kind of sense to find ourselves in the wilderness…with things missing from our lives…but now? Now we live in the tension between the world as it is – troubled and suffering, and the world as it is claimed by the life of the Risen Christ.
Perhaps, you are feeling weary…or are wondering, “what now?” Well…as the early church did – we will continue our journey without a roadmap…trusting in God to guide us. At Peace that means a few things – we will continue to have regular chances to connect online. We invite you to continue to diligently call one another from the membership directory to check on each other. We will worship, study, sing, pray, and be God’s people.
We will continue our midweek evening prayer service on Wednesday night at 7:00 pm beyond Lent…though we will have a shift in format. To allow one of our worship services to be more interactive, on Wednesdays we will gather via zoom meeting. This worship will not be livestreamed, but will be shared afterwards on our website and social media pages for those who could not join via zoom to enjoy. The link to join that meeting will be in the weekly email each week. We will move our fellowship time on Wednesday to after worship, instead of before it…to allow worship leaders to prepare.
There are many other “what now” questions we will reflect upon together. For now…know that we will be there for each other in all the ways we know how. And if there is a way we can be there for you, please feel free to let us know.