THANK YOU! School has started and because of your generosity many children have the supplies they need to succeed. Peace was able to supply a bag of supplies and over $650 to the RRISD Partners in Education. With their bulk buying power this is more than enough to supply the needs for one school.
August 8th is the last day for the school supply drive. Please take this opportunity to support students in need. Instead of working with an individual school we decided to offer support to RRISD Partners in Education (PIE) Foundation. They host a store for their Principals and Teachers to get what they need for their classrooms. They also work with the Families in Transition (FIT) Program which we so generously supported a couple of years ago with hygiene supplies.
PIE uses financial donations to purchase the supplies needed. Buying in bulk gives them the ability to get great prices. Click here to Donate online or by check payable to Peace Lutheran Church with School Supplies noted on the memo line. Checks should be sent to PO Box 171047, Austin, Tx 78717-0039.
A special thanks to Kelly Cline for gathering all the information for this drive.
Board of Congregational and Community Care