Post-worship potluck gatherings in October!
Whether you are new to Peace, or have been around forever, we’re going to have some fun this October exploring the roots of our tradition…and the new growth that is just unfurling…as we get ready for the celebration of the Reformation on October 29, when we will also celebrate newcomers to the Peace community.
You are invited to bring a dish to share if you are able (but please come even if you can’t!)
This Sunday, October 1, we will talk about what being Lutheran means to us and what questions we have. On October 15, Pastor Katy Miles-Wallace will share about our wider church, from the perspective of being a staff member in the Office of the Bishop. October 22, we may dive in more about how to be connected to different parts of life at Peace…as well as any other topics that come up along the way.
Hope to see you there!
Whether you are new to Peace, or have been around forever, we’re going to have some fun this October exploring the roots of our tradition…and the new growth that is just unfurling…as we get ready for the celebration of the Reformation on October 29, when we will also celebrate newcomers to the Peace community.
You are invited to bring a dish to share if you are able (but please come even if you can’t!)
This Sunday, October 1, we will talk about what being Lutheran means to us and what questions we have. On October 15, Pastor Katy Miles-Wallace will share about our wider church, from the perspective of being a staff member in the Office of the Bishop. October 22, we may dive in more about how to be connected to different parts of life at Peace…as well as any other topics that come up along the way.
Hope to see you there!