Potlucks Oct – Nov

Upcoming Post-Worship Potlucks
We are excited for our next series of post-worship potlucks. Here are out topics for the coming weeks:
October 13 – Sermon Stammtisch – deeper conversation about the lectionary texts and Sunday sermon.
October 20 – Fall Festival Preparations – Feel free to bring food to share and help us get ready for the Fall Festival beginning at 1:30!
October 27 – Reformation Jeopardy! – You won’t want to miss this fun Reformation Trivia event…and perhaps some food reminiscent of 1600’s Germany…?
November 3 – All Saints Stammtisch – conversation on the sermon and All Saints Sunday. Feel free to bring a dish that honors the memory of a loved one (and a recipe card to share), if you wish.
November 10 – Inside Out 2 Movie Matinee – We’ll have some themed treats and discussion starters, and then a screening of Pixar’s most recent film, beginning at noon, with discussion to follow. Activities for all ages will be available. (Note, this session will extend a bit longer than the usual potluck, until about 2:30 pm.)
You are always invited to bring a dish to share or a brown bag lunch. See you there!