Stewardship Notes for September 2018

     In the past few months, we have focused on being God’s Stewards of His Creation, Money, Stuff, Ourselves and our Time and Talents.  This month we focus on a stewardship topic that may not be as straightforward as those in the last few months:  Stewards of Relationships.  When we think about the full circle of stewardship, we usually focus on what that includes and not usually whoit includes. We all have MANY relationships in our lives: family, congregation, community, and neighbors just to name a few. All of these relationships revolve around people and how we share the good news with them as well as receive His blessings from them.  God uses these people in our lives to teach, challenge, encourage and love us!  Likewise, we need to share everything God has taught us with all those we have relationships with. 


Missional River Listening Team

There are ten steps in the Missional River process. While we are now working on steps 2 & 3 we want to report what we learned looking back at step 1. This step focused on building a listening team. This happened through training, coaching, developing of a purpose statement, developing a covenant, deciding on roles for team members, study, planning, and practice. Here are a few of the things we learned. Some of these may be a surprise and others may just sound like common sense.


Announcing Community Connections 2018-2019!

This year is going to be full of rich conversation and learning together. We are so excited to see you on Sunday mornings from 10:00-10:45 am!
Throughout this year, we will have the chance to hear special one-time presentations on a variety of topics from many different leaders, as well as engaging in some subjects that will span multiple sessions, outlined below.


Stewardship Notes for August 2018

When we consider all of the resources that God has entrusted to our care, we realize that each of us has been blessed with time and unique talents and that we are called to use these to love God and our neighbors. This month, you are asked to prayerfully reflect on how you are investing your time, and using your special abilities.
Here are a few pertinent passages from the Holy Bible:
“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” (1 Peter 4:10 NRSV)
“We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.” (Romans 12:6-8 NRSV)


August is Mindfulness Month

The topic for this month is Mindfulness. According to Tim Stead, an Anglican priest in Oxford, mindfulness has been called; silent prayer, contemplative prayer, the desert tradition, or mystical theology in the Christian tradition. It has been around since the time of Jesus to the present. In about the 1970’s, the study of mindfulness and its effects on health became the focus of much research. Tim Stead (2018), defines it as, “Being more fully aware of your own experience in the present moment in a non-judgmental way.” There are some who feel that mindfulness or meditation is their time to listen to God and to discern God’s will for them.


AGE of Central Texas and Area Agency on Aging Host Free Caregiver Conference

The largest, longest-run free caregiver conference in Central Texas, the annual event helps to ease the challenges of caring for an aging family member by providing unpaid caregivers with relevant information and vital resources.  The attendees will discover local resources, acquire skills to better manage their caregiving situation, and connect with other caregivers and local experts on aging. The day also includes workshops on topics related to caregiving, with experts available for questions.    


Stewardship Notes for July 2018

In our monthly articles, we have tried to emphasize different aspects of a Stewardship lifestyle. We hope that you have come to appreciate the depth and breadth of Stewardship and to recognize that this subject includes our whole lives.   We said previously that a steward is someone who manages another person’s property, finances, or affairs.  This month, we want to remind us all that we are stewards of ourselvesour bodies, our minds, and our spirits.  Now, you might be thinking that, if there is anything that truly and exclusively belongs to ourselves, and not to anyone else, it is our very selves!  Right?  Absolutely not!  Let us explore what the Holy Bible says.


Stewardship Notes for June 2018

The primary purpose of Stewardship is to serve the will of God. The main goal of our Peace Lutheran Church Stewardship Planning Committee is to help all of our congregation’s members and participants to live their lives with purpose and meaning, so that God’s creating, redeeming, and sanctifying activity will flourish in our community and world. We seek to equip, nurture, and challenge all people who are connected with Peace Lutheran Church to lead a Stewardship lifestyle which encompasses all areas of living and is not limited to providing financial support for our congregation, and God’s people elsewhere.


June is National Safety Month

I encourage you to learn more about important safety issues like preventing poisonings, transportation safety, and fire safety.
  • Tornado preparedness- Not one state in the continental U.S. has escaped the wrath of tornadoes. While the main tornado season is from Late April to July, tornadoes can strike at any time of the year.


How Peace Serves

The four or five-year-old boy stood staring with his big brown eyes under the fringe of dark hair at the shelves of fruit, sandwiches, cookies and chips. This was not his first trip to the Mobile Loaves and Fishes truck that afternoon. He and his brothers had gotten their bags of food at our first stop in the sprawling apartment complex. They’d followed the truck to the next stop, and while the older boys looked at the clothing on the other side of the truck, the littlest stood staring at the food. “Are you still hungry?“ I asked him. He solemnly nodded yes. I gave him an orange and a bag of cookies. A few minutes later, he was back staring again. This time he got a sandwich and some chips. He smiled, said thank you, and ran away.


Stewardship Notes for May, 2018

This monthly installment of “Stewardship Notes” emphasizes that we are Stewards of Money and Wealth. By definition, a steward is someone who manages another person’s property, finances, or other affairs. Now, you may be thinking that you are barely able to manage your own money and wealth, and much less able to take responsibility for someone else’s finances. Nevertheless, God has called you to take care of the financial resources that He has entrusted to you. So, what are those financial resources that God owns, and for which you are accountable to Him?


Missional River – A Report from the Listening Team

Peace has embarked on a yearlong journey in the Missional River, following the Tune-In Guide, a 10-step process led by a listening team that emphasizes three different phases of listening:  Listening to God in Scripture and Prayer, Listening to God in the Congregation, and Listening to God in the Neighborhood. Deep listening means tuning in to God more clearly, with a firm belief that God is working in others just as surely as God is working in our own lives. The purpose of this kind of listening is to lead the congregation into new partnerships, participating in God’s mission in new ways. Peace’s core listening team will be inviting participation in many forms from everyone at Peace, and we have a great journey of listening and learning ahead of us.


Synod Assembly 2018 Recap

From May 4 to 6, over 400 members of the congregations across the Southwestern Texas Synod gathered in San Marcos to consider the business before our synod this year…including voting members from Peace Lutheran Church: Matt Bloom, Emily Castillo, Katie Van Gulick and Pastor Carolyn (with a siting of Amanda Castillo and Carter Wiseman at the campus ministry display table). Though the voting membership of the synod was overwhelming over the age of 50, we did our best to represent some of the younger members of the church!


May is Arthritis Awareness Month

According to the Arthritis Foundation, arthritis is very common but is not well understood. Actually, “arthritis” is not a single disease; it is an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis. People of all ages, sexes and races can and do have arthritis, and it is the leading cause of disability in America. More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children have some type of arthritis. It is most common among women and occurs more frequently as people get older.


How Peace Serves

I started delivering meals during my lunch hour while working for IBM in 2000. It was super simple. When someone is trying to dip their toe into volunteering, Meals on Wheels delivery is a perfect start. The commitment can be as little as once a month delivery for an hour. We all have an hour!


2018 Ladies Night-Out Banquet & Service Project 

Saturday, May 12 at 6:00 p.m., at Peace Lutheran Church

Ladies Night-Out is a project of Lutheran Men in Mission of Peace, to honor the women and young ladies of our congregation by providing a free, delicious dinner and musical entertainment, in conjunction with a service project to benefit needy families served by Hill Country Community Ministries, by collecting non-perishable food items on their behalf.


2018 Leander-Cedar Park CROP Hunger Walk

The 2018 Leander-Cedar Park CROP Hunger Walk is now behind us and Peace Lutheran Church has raised about $9,110 to help end hunger. 25% of the proceeds from the Leander/Cedar Park CROP Walk will go to Hill Country Community Ministries, we wouldn’t have been able to collect this much without the help of friends and family.


Fifth Sunday Giving

Fifth Sunday Giving for April will go towards the offering shared by Peace at the Southwestern Texas Synod Assembly. This year the Assembly will support the ELCA Fund for Leaders program.


April is Alcohol Awareness Month

Drinking too much alcohol increases people’s risk of injuries, violence, drowning, liver disease, and some types of cancer. This April, during Alcohol Awareness Month, Peace Parish Nurse encourages you to educate yourself and your loved ones about the dangers of drinking too much.


Guest Preacher

April 8 we welcome guest preacher, Jarell Wilson. Jarell is a graduate of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, a Social Media addict, and a blogger. He attended Baylor University and graduated from the University of North Texas. He’s a proud Austinite; a Reconciling Ministries Board Member and a scented candle aficionado.

Stewardship Notes for April, 2018

This initial installment of “Stewardship Notes” marks the beginning of Peace Lutheran Church’s new Stewardship Planning Committee, whose current members are Tom Winn, Bob Van Gulick, and Darrell Bailey.  The purpose of the Stewardship Planning Committee is to plan, recruit, organize, and coordinate a year-round program of Stewardship themes at Peace.  


2018 Ministry Plan Update

It is great to report good news! At our November 12, 2017 meeting, Peace passed a “bare bones” ministry plan for 2018 based on 2017 projected giving. Because of the uncertainty about our projected giving levels and available income, the Finance Committee recommended we reevaluate the ministry plan during the 1st quarter of 2018 based on actual income for 2017 and revise estimates for 2018 if needed. The Finance Committee has completed this reevaluation and we are happy to report that 2017 General Operating Fund income exceeded the forecast by 19%. 



April 15, 1:30 PM,  Twin Lakes YMCA
Team Captains: Laura Eichner, Rodger Ericson,  Linda Parsells
If you can, please join the Leander-Cedar Park CROP.   Give and invite friends, to donate and walk in the CROP Walk to fight hunger.  The reported total from all walkers as of March 28 is $4,221. Inviting others is our opportunity.  Friends from far and near.  Gifts have come from Mexico, Nevada, Oregon and Leander.  Members have donated and others have yet to donate.  Small donations and large ones all matter. Please send this link to friends and past and present and invite them to join the unselfish cause, BECAUSE it is important. 


Congregational Meeting April 15

10:00 AM (between services)  Agenda items include election of voting members of the Synod Assembly, election f Preschool Board members, approval of the 2018-2019 Preschool Budget, and consideration of revisions to the congregational budget for 2018. ​ To view the meeting materials, please click the Congregation Meeting link.

Holy Week Evening Worship Opportunities

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Easter Night Prayer Service 7:00 PM
MAUNDY THURSDAY Thursday, March 29 at 7:00 PM
We Remember. At the heart of this night is Jesus’ commandment to love one another. At the Lord’s Table we remember Jesus’ sacrifice of his life, even as we are called to offer ourselves in love for the life of the world. Worship offers the opportunity to receive individual forgiveness of sins, to share in the loving service of foot-washing and to witness as the altar is stripped bare…as worship ends in silence. 
GOOD FRIDAY Friday, March 30 at 7:00 PM

It is finished. At the heart of Good Friday is the passion story of Jesus, which proclaims Jesus as a triumphant king who reigns from the cross. In the ancient bidding prayer we offer petitions for all the world that Christ loves. Worship begins and ends in silence 

EASTER VIGIL Saturday, March 31 at 7:00 PM

This is the night! This is our Passover with Christ from captivity to freedom, from death to life. The resurrection of Christ is proclaimed in word and water, bread and wine. We gather around a pillar of fire, hear ancient stories of our faith, affirm and celebrate the gift of Baptism, and share the food and drink of the promised land. Raised with Christ, we go forth into the world with the good news of the resurrection.

NIGHT PRAYER SERVICE Sunday, April 1, at 7:00 PM
Even as the promise of resurrection is proclaimed, we live surrounded by death, in lives of conflict and struggle. We pray this Easter Night around the story of the disciples who were walking away in despair after Jesus’  death…wondering what they would do next. We gather for reflection, healing prayer, and simple music.