Fall Program Kickoff

Kicking Off the Program Year!
Fall Sunday Schedule
As we live into the transitions of this season, here are some things you will notice at church:
– The circle of Godly Play & Big Church are coming closer to each other. Our space and stories for forming faith with children are coming into the embrace of our big church space for a time. This will allow folks of all generations to be formed by our stories and the presence of children.

– The Sunday schedule will have a rippling circle of gatherings. The Sunday schedule will be something like this:

  • 8:00-9:30 – Worship Leaders will be preparing our space for worship
  • 9:30-10:00 – Children and adults who wish to gather for the Godly Play story will be welcomed to the circle in the Godly Play space at the side of the room. Those not joining the circle will be invited to visit or prepare in the Narthex and other spaces until the story ends. As the story ends, children and others may choose materials like art supplies or stories or books to work with in the children’s space or at a seat with their family and friends, and we will transition towards the wider circle of Sunday Worship.
  • 10:00-11:15 – We worship together in person and online, usually with Holy Communion, in the ways that are familiar to most.
  • 11:30 – Following worship and some fellowship time, opportunities will arise to share in learning, conversation and fellowship over lunch – sometimes at church and sometimes at other locations. If you have a conversation topic, study, presentation, or book you wish to discuss, please let us know, and we will build a calendar for these gatherings.
Our Godly Play story circle at 9:30 began meeting on August 21. Our post-worship gatherings will begin as we find topics and venues (and assess pandemic safety protocols).

We look forward to being together!