Hospitalizations in our community continue to decline, and we finally dipped down into the Stage 4 numbers at the end of this week after briefly stalling out still in Stage 5. Because the downward trend was slowed, we have not yet reached an official transtion to Stage 4. We will remain online only for Sunday, February 20, and continue to look to the Stage 4 designation of Austin Public Health as our signal that in person gathering is advisable. Again…hopefully next week for Transfiguration Sunday.
As always, we also continue to ask anyone who may be on campus to pre-screen for symptoms and wear a mask at all times at the church. Small groups that gather on campus should be 10 or fewer for now, and may continue to submit their requests and gathering plans through the Regathering Task Force (emailing or at least 5 days before gathering). Based on guidance from public health authorities, we will no longer maintain our own contact tracing list. So signing in for small group meetings and worship (when more of us can return) will not be requested.