Christmas Eve Worship 2020

Christmas Eve will have two worship options:

  • 3:30 Encore Viewing of the Peace Christmas Program
  • Fully online service with:
    • Pre-service Christmas Music program at 5:00 pm at & on Facebook
    • Service of the Word at 6:00 pm at & on Facebook.
    • Holy Communion at 7:00 pm on zoom and Facebook Live.
  • A Christmas Worship Journey (a safely distanced journey through the Mystery of Christmas)
    • First stop at the Peace Labyrinth anytime between 5:30 & 6:45 pm.
    • Stations of the Christmas Story (driving to see artistic representations of the story and worship ‘on the road’ among 4 member households’ yards) between 5:45 and 8:15 pm
    • Communion and Candlelight at the Peace Labyrinth after you return from your story journey between 7:30 and 9:00 pm.

*We will share more detailed information about the ways you can participate in worship on Christmas Eve in next week’s email. Of course, we ask everyone to understand if changes to our worship plans are necessary to keep people safe.