This Christmas Eve will be unlike any we have ever known, and our Peace family has worked together from a distance to offer our praise to the God who is born among us again, in the midst of the most difficult times.
Please feel free to join in whichever parts of our Christmas Eve worship are right for you. We look forward to sharing in worship on this holiest of nights.
Please feel free to join in whichever parts of our Christmas Eve worship are right for you. We look forward to sharing in worship on this holiest of nights.
For Christmas Eve worship this year, there are two ways to join us – one entirely virtual; the other – a safely distanced, in-person journey through the Christmas story.
Before our worship services, all are welcome to view an encore presentation of the Christmas Program Once Upon a Star at 3:30 pm and a Christmas Music Program premiere by our Peace musicians at 5:00 pm. (Also on Facebook)
At-home Worship Option
If you will worship at home, you can view or download the Christmas Eve Worship Booklet.
The online events will be as follows:
5:00 pm Christmas Music Program
6:00 pm Christmas Service of the Word
7:15 pm Christmas Communion on Zoom or Facebook Live only
Outside-the-Home Worship Options
These are the out-of-home worship opportunities that you can make a part of your day, in whatever order works best for you:
1) Christmas Journey
Whenever you choose to go on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, you may experience the Service of the Word on the journey. Download or print the Christmas Eve Worship Booklet. You may use the individual links for each of the six portions of the service (or by calling our worship phone line at 512-886-8617).
You may join the opening of the Service of the Word at home before you begin the journey. Then visit the stations of the Christmas Story at Peace family homes out in the community. At each story station, click on the link or use the call-in phone number for that section of the service to hear the Bible readings and familiar hymns that you may sing along with at each stop while you view the artistic outdoor displays that image the story. You may also follow in the worship booklet.
After your journey, you may join the final portion of the service for the prayers and blessing.
You may take this journey on any schedule you choose (even waiting until Christmas day or later, if you wish!). Just be sure to account for your plans to participate in communion or visiting the church campus on Christmas Eve.
“The Annunciation” at 2453 Madeline Loop
“Journey to be Counted” at 1603 Paper Moon Drive
“The Birth” at 2724 Zambia Drive
“The Shepherds” at 2405 Dartford Bend
Returning home again…And the Story Goes On
2) Visit the church campus for a blessing and candle lighting
Between 5:30 and 6:30 pm or between 7:30 and 9:00 pm on Christmas Eve: You may visit the Peace campus to receive a Christmas Blessing and light a candle at the manger in the entrance rotunda as you listen to Silent Night.
At the church campus, we invite you to join in the spiritual discipline of sacred silence. Pastor Carolyn will ask if you wish to receive a blessing, but no other word will be spoken. You may let the candlelight and song surround you and bring you the good news of Christ’s presence.
Please wear a mask whenever you are outside your car on the church campus.
NOTE: We will not have in person communion. Communion will be by Zoom and Facebook live only at 7:15 pm.
Packing for your journey. To be prepared to fully participate in our Christmas Journey Worship, we recommend bringing a few items with you:
- MASKS for everyone in your household for any time you will be outside of your vehicle.
- A donation for Hill Country Communion Ministries to leave at the manger, if you are able. (Peanut butter, jelly, or canned pineapple are suggested donations. And if you need to take something instead, then know that these gifts are there for you, too.)
- A smartphone or cell phone that you can use to connect to portions of the service while you are out on your journey.
- A printout of the worship bulletin if you wish.
We look forward to sharing this journey. We know we are travelers together, even though we are apart.