Holiday Meal Drive

Hill Country Community Ministries( HCCM) Holiday Meal Drive
* Update: We exceeded our goal of 500 cans of green beans, sending 622 cans of beans, plus peaches, and $460 in cash to HCCM. Thanks for supporting our neighbors in need!
Hill Country Community Ministries (HCCM) has seen a 22% increase in clients in 2022. Sunday, October 1st kicks off the Holiday Meal Drive. Read more…

Budget graphic


Budget graphic
Here’s your chance to dive deep into the finances of the congregation and to ask any questions that you might have before the congregational meeting on November 13. The Peace finance team will be available to discuss the council’s approved ministry plan for 2023 and the outlook for 2022-2024 and beyond. We hope you can join us Sunday Nov 6 at 11:30 pm. We’ll meet in the room formerly known as the pastor’s study and also on Zoom.

Book Club Update

In October the book club is reading The Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen. In November, the club is reading Last Dance on the Starlight Pier. Both historical novels are by local author, Sarah Bird. Sarah Bird is presenting and answering questions at our November meeting on Thursday, November 10th at 1:30 via Zoom. Read more…

Covid levels are low

Covid Prototols

Covid levels are low

Current COVID Protocols  – Low Spread Means Masking Options Are Back!

In light of Low community transmission rates of COVID, we can return to the protocols previously approved by the Regathering Task Force and Council. Individuals may now choose whether to wear a mask or not at church events, including larger, public gatherings like Sunday worship. This also means that shared food and beverages can return to our indoor spaces. Read more…

Fall Program Kickoff

Kicking Off the Program Year!
Fall Sunday Schedule
As we live into the transitions of this season, here are some things you will notice at church:
– The circle of Godly Play & Big Church are coming closer to each other. Our space and stories for forming faith with children are coming into the embrace of our big church space for a time. This will allow folks of all generations to be formed by our stories and the presence of children.

– The Sunday schedule will have a rippling circle of gatherings. The Sunday schedule will be something like this: Read more…

Picture of backpack with text Backpack Blessings August 14

Rally Day & Backpack Blessing

Picture of backpack with text Backpack Blessings August 14
As we prepare for a new program year, we invite everyone to a special worship service on August 14 giving thanks for the many ministry programs of Peace. Our worship service this Sunday will be familiar, but our space will be a bit different…as we sit “family style” and have table centerpieces celebrating our faith family’s many ways of sharing God’s love with the world. All are also invited to bring a bag or backpack for a special blessing…whether students, teachers, workers, crafters, or anything in between…

School Supply Drive 2022

Wow! This year has seen the largest financial donation ever to the school supply drive. Our congregation raised $1115 for the students and teachers of Anderson Mill Elementary. Anderson Mill Elementary is a Title 1 school meaning that more than half of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch. If you are able please consider staying after church this Sunday, August 7th for the blessing of the supplies and for their assembly into grade level bags. Any excess funds will go towards purchase of disinfectant wipes and tissue for teachers to use in their classrooms during the year. The supplies will be delivered to the school on the morning of August 9th.

Pride Celebration Aug 20

Austin Pride Aug 20, 2022

Pride Celebration Aug 20
The Austin area RIC congregations are planning on joining together again to celebrate Pride this year, after two years of cancellations. We’ll be at the festival from 11 am to 6 pm, and marching in the parade at 8 pm.
If you are interested in taking a shift at the festival booth or contributing to preparations, sign up here
If you want details and to sign up for the parade, click here.
We’re so excited to be back at Pride, and excited to have you as part of it!

Welcome Our Summer Preachers

In July, we will have a number of guest preachers join us in worship. On July 17, Seminarian and Austinite Cecie Suknaic Saulnier will be with us, and we will have a Service of the Word. We will celebrate communion on July 24 & 31. July 24, we will be joined by  Rev. Lea Walker-Clark, the pastor of the new multi-ethnic mission grounded in East Austin, Palabra de Vida. And on July 31, the Pastor of Technicolor Ministries, Rev. Katy Miles-Wallace, will be with us. Please come and enjoy the rich good news they will share and welcome them into our community!