10/18/20 – Budget Forum

Here’s your chance to dive deep into the financials for the congregation and to ask any questions that you might have before the congregational meeting on November 8. The Peace finance team will be available to discuss the council’s approved ministry plan for 2021 and the outlook for 2020 and beyond. Join us on Zoom.
If you’d like to have the detailed spreadsheets that went into the summary that’s in the meeting reports, just email us.

10/11/20 – 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:16
We will be looking at Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. In this letter, the earliest we have from Paul, Paul shows his relationship with the young church in Thessalonica and his wish to visit it again.
Each session will begin with readings of each passage to study followed by a time to reflect. Then we will explore the passages, think about how each passage relates to our lives, and consider how we can apply these insights to our lives in the coming days or weeks.

Labyrinth Meditation Group

Labyrinth Meditation for Healing – Labyrinth Meditation for Living
by Maureen White Eagle
I have been intrigued by the labyrinth that we cross as we enter our church building.  As small groups are now permitted to meet at the church, I am interested in facilitating a small group in a labyrinth meditation, and I am wondering if others might be interested in participating. A couple of questions appear at the end of the article. If you are interested, please respond to them so that a meditation that meets your interests and needs can be developed.

I see the labyrinth as a tool for centering mind and spirit in a meditation. I envision that the small group (5-7 people) would meet surrounding the labyrinth and each person in the group would walk the labyrinth focusing on one or two questions related to healing or living. As one person walks the others would be focused on prayer or quiet contemplation. All would be given a chance to walk and meditate. After all participants have walked the labyrinth, a group discussion would take place – this might be outside surrounding the labyrinth or inside the building in a socially distanced circle, depending upon weather and traffic noise.

The Labyrinth Meditation for Healing could be for those who seek to heal mind, body, or spirit. It could be someone who is dealing with a chronic disease, facing surgery, supporting others in illness, or simply wanting to find peace in this troubled time.

The Labyrinth Meditation for Living focuses on life as a sacred journey. It is a journey dealing with change, hardships, joy, discovery, and transformation. Where are you on that journey and how are you dealing with the challenges of life?

If there is interest in either of these meditations, I would set up a convenient time, beginning after November 9th.  Let me know if you are interested in either of these meditations by emailing me at maureen.whiteeagle@peaceausting.org and answer the following questions.

What meditation are you interested in?
What time of the day works for you (assuming it would be M-F)? Early morning, Late Morning, Noon, Evening.
Are you interested in a one-time mediation or a regular monthly meditation?

Update from Regathering Taskforce

The Regathering Task Force continues to meet to refine protocols and procedures to protect the congregation as much as possible during this uncertain time. We want to make sure we have done all we can to assure that no one is missing when we do gather together in person as a congregation.

If you are one of the individuals who enters the church to perform a necessary duty, we want to remind you to comply with the protocols including wearing a mask and follow disinfecting protocols. We also ask that you sign in and out on the clipboard by the office. This allows us to track who has been in the church and allows others to know if some one is in or has recently been in the church.

We ask that you stay away from the church campus from October 12th through November 9th (unless voting). Early voting will take place at the church. The church council decided to help the community by allowing our unused building to be used as an early voting site, as there was a shortage of such sites. Please stay away from the building until after November 9th to be safe.

For church groups that are meeting in people’s homes, we invite you use the safety protocols and stay safe, including using masks, staying six feet apart, meeting outside if possible, and sanitizing.
Small groups (10 and under) are permitted to meet in the church, except during early voting. If you have a group desiring to meet in the church, send the request to office@peaceausting.org at least five days before the event.

Blessing of the Animals

We invite the animals in your household to receive a special blessing on Sunday October 4 at 11:15 on Zoom as we bless our pets and all creation in our care during a special gathering following the worship service. Check the weekly email update for the link or email us.

Peace is an Early Voting Site

The Peace Council has voted that Peace become a Travis County early voting site for the election from October 13-30 in addition to supporting the voting on election day November 3, 2020. 
What this means for Peace: Read more…

Fall Landscaping Opportunities

We are doing a “full court press” to get the Peace campus looking its best for the fall. Peace is blessed with a beautiful 3.85 acre campus in the middle of a bustling community.
As the church re-opens, there will be more and more scheduled events out of doors. Read more…

What? Me Worry?

Matthew 6:25-26, 34 :  Jesus said, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Read more…

Confirmation Starts Sunday 9/27/2020

Our new year of Confirmation starts Sunday, September 27, at 5 pm on Zoom! We pray that our new year of Confirmation Ministry in a new way is blessed with new relationships, growth in faith, and new connections with our youth, parents, and mentors!
Email Jacob or Pastor Carolyn if you’d like to be part of our confirmation ministry or know someone in 6th-8th grade who’d like to participate!