Communion Nuts & Bolts

Each Sunday during we will gather around the sacrament of Holy Communion. And, like everything else in this age of pandemic, it’s going to look and feel different – and we trust God will be revealed in new and wonderful ways even as we muddle through what is not yet familiar. Below is a description of what we will be doing…and if you have any questions at all…please don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Carolyn Read more…

A Little Help from My Friends…

I get by with a little help from my friends…
Remember the Beatles song? We all need a concerned caring friend in these stressful times. A Stephen Minister can listen and care for you or for someone you know who is going through a rough time.
Please email us with your contact information or call the church office and and a Stephen Leader will contact you. During this period of social distancing, we can provide care by telephone, video conferencing, or other methods needed to maintain social distance.

Peace Family Bible Project

In celebration of the Reformation, and Martin Luther helping to put Scripture into the hands of all people, we will be creating our own Peace family Bible (or at least, to start with, the Gospel of Mark). All who wish are invited to sign up to hand-write one chapter of Mark’s gospel. Read more…

Lanterns on the Labyrinth

Sunday, November 22, 2020   5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Join us on November 22 near the labyrinth at Peace Lutheran Church for a meditation walk from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Lanterns/luminarias will light your way on the labyrinth that evening and Tom Winn will provide guitar instrumental music. We will wear masks and socially distance for this outdoor activity. You may also pick up a kit to make lanterns to light your Advent at home.

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service

Tuesday, November 24, 2020   7:30 pm
Peace will be participating in the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 7:30 pm. Below are the links to the live service, hosted by Unity Church of the Hills:

Facebook      YouTube       Website

Cub Pack 1720 Helped with Election Cleanup

Cub Pack 1720, a Peace Lutheran Charter troop, helped with the post election clean-up of our 3.85 acres last Sunday.  Many hands definitely made our load lighter.  Heartfelt thanks goes out to the leaders and parents of these super kids. 

11/22/20 Ephesians

Ephesians 2:11-3:23
Ephesians is filled with praise for God who is at work in Jesus Christ to put in place a plan for salvation. God destined us (the Church) for adoption as children through Jesus Christ. Though we were dead because of sins, God has chosen to save us by grace through faith as a gift. Because salvation is a gift, no one can boast of being saved by works. But those who are saved are created for good works.

11/15/20 Music Theory

By popular request, please join us as our Music Director Kristen Morrow teaches us some Music Theory!
Join Kristen every Thursday at 7 pm on Facebook live for our popular hymn sing!

11/8/20 Ephesians

Ephesians 1:1-2:10
Ephesians is filled with praise for God who is at work in Jesus Christ to put in place a plan for salvation. God destined us (the Church) for adoption as children through Jesus Christ. Though we were dead because of sins, God has chosen to save us by grace through faith as a gift. Because salvation is a gift, no one can boast of being saved by works. But those who are saved are created for good works.