Help with vaccine out of area

The website below is useful for helping a loved one or friend in another area of Texas or another state to find a vaccination appointment. The directions below are specific to Texas once you get to #4 below. But navigating this web site for use for another state is not too difficult. Here’s the web site and directions:
  1. Follow the prompts on the screen using the drop down menu. Select your state, occupation (Essential jobs in the drop down menu or check the Non-Essential box), age group, and other factors including ‘long term care resident’ or ‘high risk health concerns’.
  2. Now a circle with a down arrow is presented as a cue the scroll down for more information
  3. The first item is a ‘heat map’ of the states. You can hover over each state to see vaccine statistics for that state.
  4. Scroll down more to What is the vaccine distribution timeline in Texas? You can click ‘Read more’ to read the whole thing and then click ‘hide’ to collapse it again.
  5. This screen will tell you if you’re eligible based on your state’s criteria.
  6. Scroll down more to How will I be notified when it is my turn to receive the vaccine? Click on ‘here’ link to Texas Department of State Health Service (DSHS).
  7. This page has more Texas-specific information about getting vaccinated. The ‘Where to Get Vaccinated’ section provides information on vaccination hubs, availability maps, and providers giving the vaccine. Follow these links to get information about vaccinations in your specific area.
  8. Still having issues finding a vaccination solution for you? Call 2-1-1 for referral to a local vaccine provider. This is a good resource for friends who don’t have internet or have trouble navigating the internet.

Navigating the Vaccine Process

There are so many things in our lives that we don’t have the power to change. But there’s one very concrete thing we can do to fight the coronavirus: get vaccinated for Covid-19, to help move us towards herd immunity. Many of us have already had the first or both shots; many of us are still working on getting an appointment. The process of getting that appointment can be daunting and frustrating. We rejoice that an increasing number of our community members are being successful in getting vaccinated, but for those you haven’t been successful yet, here is some information that might help you. Read more…

Godly Play

Godly Play Comes to Big Church

For the season of Lent, our Godly Play circle will not meet live at 9:30. Instead, the Godly Play circle will be embraced within the wider circle of Big Church…where we all can share and grow from the story of Lent. If you need to come to the circle after Sunday morning, you will still find the story posted as an independent video on the Peace Facebook page.
Read more…


Support—to keep from falling or yielding to stress—is something we all need. God gives us support through our Christian brothers and sisters. Let us all be sensitive to one another’s needs and take the time to support each other through prayers, phone calls, or friendly chats on Zoom.
Please remember that we have Stephen Ministers who are willing to give their support.
Read more…

Resources for Lent

You may use these resources during the season of Lent:
Home Companion booklet for home worship from Lent through Pentecost

2/14/21 Romans

Continuing the study of Romans. Paul’s letter to the Romans is near and dear to the heart of most Lutherans because it is here that Paul most clearly states our understanding of the gospel and grace. We will continue with Chapters 5 and 6. These studies are discussion based and you can join them at any time and fully participate. So grab your favorite beverage and join us on Zoom or Facebook Live at 1:00 PM.

Ash Wednesday and Lent

A Lent at Home care package for your household will be delivered to local Peace community members who weren’t able to pick one up. If you would like to have a bag delivered, let us know.  Thanks to all who were able to drop off a donation of hygiene items to help stock the Mobile Loaves & Fishes truck. 
Resources for Lent will be published here and in the weekly email. 

2/7/21 Astro photo graphy

Presented by Bob Van Gulick:  Astrophotography of the heavens has been a passion of mine for many years, but now I have discovered a new software package to really make my pictures pop. It’s called PixInsight, a very advanced and complex astro photo tool. We will go through a simple processing session and then look at some of the images I have processed with PixInsight. Join us on Zoom or Facebook Live at 1:00 PM.

1/31/21 Romans

Continuing the study of Romans. Paul’s letter to the Romans is near and dear to the heart of most Lutherans because it is here that Paul most clearly states our understanding of the gospel and grace. We will cover Chapters 1, 2 & 3 and continue with the rest of Chapter 5. These studies are discussion based and you can join them at any time and fully participate. So grab your favorite beverage and join us on Zoom or Facebook Live at 1:00 PM.