CROP Walk 2022

The day of the CROP walk event may have passed, but there’s still time to donate!
Join us for the 2022 Leander/Cedar Park CROP Hunger Walk! We’ll gather at the Twin Lakes Family YMCA at 1:30pm on April 24 and step-off at 2pm using the beautiful Brushy Creek Regional Trail! The steps you take and funds you raise will end hunger for neighbors around the block (through Hill Country Community Ministries) and around the world (through Church World Service). Can’t make it the day of the walk or still unsure about a group setting? Sign-up and walk (or not) in the way that best suits, or donate to one of our walkers or the team.

Mask with smile

Progress Continues!

Mask with smile
COVID Protocols – Progress Continues!

We remain grateful that the Austin area is in lower stages of its COVID protocol system, and that the CDC has released new guidance for individuals based on weekly county-level data. In light of this public health guidance and the commitments we have held throughout the pandemic, we are in ongoing discussion of our community’s protocols. If you have strong feelings about the pace of restrictions loosening (or not) you may always be in touch with us. We are balancing many different variables in this discernment. Read more…

Feeling Down?

Our Stephen Ministry can help. Stephen Ministers aren’t just there for “big” crises. They’re also available for the little ones because many times the little things can really add up. So don’t wait until you have a really big crisis; consider Stephen Ministry if the little things have you feeling down.
If you feel the need for this kind of care or know someone who does and would like to learn more about Stephen Ministry, please email with your contact information or call the church office and a Stephen Leader will contact you.

During this period of social distancing, we can provide care by telephone, video conferencing, or other methods needed to maintain social distance.

Lent 2022

Lent 2022: Cultivating & Letting Go

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday worship at 7:00 pm on March 2 and we will be offering both in-person and online ways to connect to worship by that time.
This Lenten season, we will reflect on the theme of Cultivating & Letting Go. On Wednesday evenings we will worship with Holden Evening Prayer, and reflect on the weekly scriptures through conversation, journaling, and contemplative coloring. Read more…

In-person worship resumes

In-Person Worship Resumes February 27

We give thanks for the official announcement of Stage 4 precautions from Austin Public Health. In light of this encouraging transition, the Regathering Task Force is recommending that in-person worship resume again this Sunday, February 27. As always, if you will feel safer connecting online, you may continue to do so…and you are no less a part of the community…no matter which way you join! Read more…

Closer to Stage 4

Hospitalizations in our community continue to decline, and we finally dipped down into the Stage 4 numbers at the end of this week after briefly stalling out still in Stage 5. Because the downward trend was slowed, we have not yet reached an official transtion to Stage 4. We will remain online only for Sunday, February 20, and continue to look to the Stage 4 designation of Austin Public Health as our signal that in person gathering is advisable. Again…hopefully next week for Transfiguration Sunday. Read more…

Lent Sacred Time

Lenten Sacred Time Invitation from the Bishop’s Office
An Invitation from Bishop Sue
Immerse yourself in the gift of Sacred Time during Lent

This Lenten season, we offer the gift of Sacred Time to all people in the Southwestern Texas Synod. We invite you to set aside an hour once a week to gather with fellow disciples for guided prayer, dwelling in ancient stories from scripture, and sharing your own stories of faith. The theme is: For the love of God our hearts confess… loneliness, fear, thirst, rebellion, joy. Read more…

Covid Update

COVID Protocols – Looking Towards Stage 4
Hospitalizations in our community continue to decline, and we anticipate a return to in person worship very soon. We will remain online only this Sunday, and hope to have an announcement by next Sunday that the invitation to worship on campus will be open again to those who wish to. Please keep an eye on the weekly email, facebook page, and homepage of the church website for updates. Read more…

Stage 5 Update

This past week hospitalizations in our community have continued to surge, and have now exceeded the highest previous hospitalization rates for the entire pandemic. To do our part (vaccinated or not) to break the chains of transmission, the Peace Regathering Task Force is asking that only the worship leaders come to the church campus for worship during stage 5, and that others connect to the live stream online. Read more…