Sundays – March 9 & 16
We are Dust – Reflecting & Planning for Life’s End
On Ash Wednesday, we receive a sign of ashes and are told, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” We don’t often stop to reflect on returning to dust…or our wishes for the end of our earthly lives. And if ever there is a time to do so, perhaps it is now.
After Sunday worship, in the first two weeks of Lent, we will reflect on funerals and purpose they serve in our faith life. We will also have the opportunity to reflect and record some of our own wishes for our funerals…or to prepare to discuss the wishes of our loved ones.
If you cannot attend these sessions in person, we are hoping to also have an online version of this same series. Please let us know if you are interested, and we will work on scheduling those gatherings once we know who wishes to participate.
Sundays – March 23 & 30 & April 13
Water from the Well Discipleship Series
As Lent comes to an end, we will turn our focus to our life of discipleship. These sessions are especially designed for those who are discerning whether Peace might be their official church home…and for those who want to get to know those who are newest to our community.
We will begin each session with a story from Scripture for all ages. After the story, young children may choose art materials to work with while adults continue in conversation about our sacred stories and our lives as we deepen our relationships and our faith together.