1/31/21 Romans

Continuing the study of Romans. Paul’s letter to the Romans is near and dear to the heart of most Lutherans because it is here that Paul most clearly states our understanding of the gospel and grace. We will cover Chapters 1, 2 & 3 and continue with the rest of Chapter 5. These studies are discussion based and you can join them at any time and fully participate. So grab your favorite beverage and join us on Zoom or Facebook Live at 1:00 PM.

1/24/21 Romans

Continuing the study of Romans. Paul’s letter to the Romans is near and dear to the heart of most Lutherans because it is here that Paul most clearly states our understanding of the gospel and grace. We will cover Chapters 1, 2 & 3 and continue with the rest of Chapter 5. These studies are discussion based and you can join them at any time and fully participate. So grab your favorite beverage and join us on Zoom or Facebook Live at 1:00 PM.

1/17/21 Legacy Gifts

Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest provides a regional gift planner for the members and congregations of the Southwestern Texas Synod. Our congregation has the advantage of a full-time gift planner who can meet with individuals for a custom designed plan. Our synod’s senior gift planner, Deacon John Dellis, can help with planning for legacy gifts for family and loved ones and also the ministries of our church and other non-profit organizations. Read more…

1/10/21 Romans

On January 10, 24 and 31 we will continue our study of Romans that began in December. Paul’s letter to the Romans is near and dear to the heart of most Lutherans because it is here that Paul most clearly states our understanding of the gospel and grace. We will cover Chapters 1, 2 & 3 and continue with the rest of Chapter 5. These studies are discussion based and you can join them at any time and fully participate. So grab your favorite beverage and join us on Zoom or Facebook Live at 1:00 PM.

12/20/20 Romans

Romans 5:1-11
Advent is often associated with waiting, but not just waiting, waiting with hope. Paul’s letter to the Roman 1 – 3 begins with one of the clearest arguments and statements of grace in the New Testament. And the fruit of this grace is hope. Join us as we study the foundation of our hope during advent by studying Romans 4 and 5.

12/13/20 Christmas Program

Join us here, on Facebook or YouTube for the Christmas Program at 1:00 pm on December 13.

12/6/20 Romans

Romans 4
Advent is often associated with waiting, but not just waiting, waiting with hope. Paul’s letter to the Roman 1 – 3 begins with one of the clearest arguments and statements of grace in the New Testament. And the fruit of this grace is hope. Join us as we study the foundation of our hope during advent by studying Romans 4 and 5.

11/22/20 Ephesians

Ephesians 2:11-3:23
Ephesians is filled with praise for God who is at work in Jesus Christ to put in place a plan for salvation. God destined us (the Church) for adoption as children through Jesus Christ. Though we were dead because of sins, God has chosen to save us by grace through faith as a gift. Because salvation is a gift, no one can boast of being saved by works. But those who are saved are created for good works.

11/15/20 Music Theory

By popular request, please join us as our Music Director Kristen Morrow teaches us some Music Theory!
Join Kristen every Thursday at 7 pm on Facebook live for our popular hymn sing!