Posted on 2023-08-28 in Community Connections, General, Newsletter, Youth |
The new program year is here! This year, the children’s circle will meet weekly at 9:30 AM, before worship. Middle school students are invited to join our confirmation cohort (email Pastor Carolyn for information). We also anticipate having at least 2 post-worship learning and fellowship events for adults each month. The schedule will be announced soon, as we gather feedback. Feel free to share your input using the Spiritual Development Survey here.
Posted on 2023-05-12 in Community Connections, General, Newsletter |
Water from the Well: New & Re-newing Member Series
If you are new or returning to Peace…or just looking to renew connections to God and others, we will be hosting a series of sessions for fellowship, learning and conversation this Spring. This series is always shaped by those who wish to participate. Read more…
Posted on 2022-10-15 in Community Connections, General |
On November 20th after church, there will be a read out loud circle! Everyone who wishes to participate should bring a written item to read out loud in front of others. It can be from a book, a poem, your own journal, or any other interesting written source, up to two pages or 5 minutes. If the reading sparks conversation, then the group can spend some time on it. If not, we move on down the circle.
Posted on 2022-10-15 in Community Connections, General |
Board Game Day!!
On October 30th after church we are hosting a board game day in the narthex. There will be a scrabble set or two, and depending on turnout other options for those who do not want scrabble. We’ll sit down at one of the Narthex tables and play a game or two after church and before lunch. People who want to go out to lunch together after can express interest on the day, or ahead of time if you prefer by emailing
Posted on 2021-11-20 in Community Connections, General |
Stewardship Conversation
Sunday 7:00 pm on Zoom
Posted on 2021-11-20 in Community Connections, General |
Stewardship Conversation
Sunday 7:00 pm on Zoom
Posted on 2021-10-08 in Community Connections, General |
Church & Fandoms…Communities & Canons
If you are a Trekkie, or participate in the fan communities of others cultural phenomena like Dr. Who, Star Wars, or Twilight & Harry Potter…then you know how serious people can take shows and characters and storylines and their meanings.
In fact, if you are a Christian, you know this already in a different way, right?