Potluck 5/12

May 12 Post-Worship Potluck – Synod Assembly Sharing Session
Join in after worship on Sunday to hear about synod assembly from those who went this year representing Peace: Pastor Carolyn, Vicar Brady, and Gene and Kathleen Holiman. They’ll talk about what synod assembly even is anyway…and what happened there in Corpus Christi this year. And then, you can feel free to ask questions!

Potluck 5/5

Israeli/Hamas/Palestinian conflict

Bring your favorite dish (or an easy dish, or something that you picked up at HEB that morning) and stay for Food, Fellowship. and Learning. Or just stay, there is always plenty.

Rev. Rodger Ericson has recently traveled to Amman Jordan Also Rodger has a grandson who he visited that works with humanitarian aid to Palestinians. Rodger will share what he has seen and lead a discussion.

Potluck 4/28

This past Monday we celebrated Earth Day, focusing on the care and mending of God’s creation. On Sunday we’ll be having a collaborative conversation on gardening in central Texas. Read more…

Potluck 4/21

God is the cure-giver, and Stephen Ministers are the care-givers. At this week’s potluck after worship, come learn about Stephen Ministry–its history, how it works, who can benefit from a Stephen Ministry relationship, and much more! Come with any questions you have about it.

Potluck 4/6

LuMin Pastor Brad Fuerst will be leading Worship. He will be happy to answer question after the service about UT’s Lutheran Campus Ministry, including the Tuesday Tailgate Meals and the Daily Bread Food Pantry. Read more…

Lenten Study

Lenten Study – Manna & Mercy
This Lent during at our Sunday post-worship potlucks, we’ll be using the book Manna and Mercy by Lutheran pastor theologian Daniel Erlander.  We’ll also use the book on Wednesday evening worship following the Wednesday potluck. Study Guide for Manna and Mercy.

Potluck 1/28

Sunday, January 28 is potluck and a class on BIAS.  It is about the biases humans typically bring to new situations and ways to change thinking to escape the boxes the biases create. This class has lots of discussion so more people will make the class more interesting. 

Potluck 12/17

Food and… The Texas Ramp Project

After the service, this Sunday, plan to stay for the potluck and learn about the Texas Ramp Project. The mission statement for The Texas Ramp Project is “Building Freedom for the Homebound”. Read more…

Deck the Halls 12/10

Deck the Halls of Peace on December 10, after the morning service. Join other volunteers in hanging garlands and wreaths and in placing ornaments on the tall sanctuary tree. Also enjoy refreshments and bring your donation for the “Cookie Crumble.” Read more…