To help our community stay connected during this time of social distancing, we will be using a variety of ways to connect. As we shift the rhythms of life to stay safe and healthy, we know we still need each other.
Many events will be found on our Facebook page. Worship will also be accessible there. A few gatherings will be video meetings, which require a link to join. The weekly email will contain instructions and links for joining those meetings. And you can always contact us for help if you need it or to be added to that mailing list.
We will attempt to have a routine to help us stay grounded, even as so many things feel uncertain. To that end, we still start with this schedule and modify as we learn what we need:
Weekly Connection Schedule:
Monday –
– Morning prayer at 9:00 am on Facebook Live
Tuesday –
– Book Conversation Night at 8:00 pm on GoToMeeting
(beginning with Love Big by Rozella Haydee White –
Kindle Edition is $9.99 on Amazon.
Please let us know if we can buy a copy for you!)
Wednesdays –
– Brown Bag Dinner Chat at 6:00 pm on GoToMeeting &
– Holden Evening Prayer at 7:00 pm
on Facebook or our homepage.
Thursdays –
– Musical Reflection and Hymn Requests at 7:00 pm
on Facebook Live
Fridays –
– Email Update Sent Out &
Night Prayer at 9:00 pm on Facebook Live
Sundays –
– Worship at 10:00 am on Facebook and here
– Godly Play Story at 11:30 am on Facebook Live;
– Community Connections at 1:00 pm (or as leaders are available) on Facebook Live;
– Dinner & Lectionary Discussion at 5:00 pm
on GoToMeeting
To help stay connected with those who do not use the internet so much, we request that everyone use their church directory and reach out to every other household on the same page as you once a week in some form to make sure we are all have someone to talk to and check in on us. If you need a copy of the directory, please let us know. (And if you find you’re not in the directory and would like to be…or if your information is out of date…please be in touch, and we’ll fix it!)
My prayers are with you.
Pastor Carolyn