When the New Normal Isn’t Normal

In just a matter of weeks, COVID-19 has turned our lives upside-down and has made things unpredictable, uncontrollable, and unprecedented. We are no longer just anxious about the virus itself, but the


Worshipping Together While Apart

Worship leadership needs have changed during this time of required isolation and we have implemented a new plan which provides flexibility during this changing time.


Children’s Chapel – The Holy Spirit

Peace Preschool families and all others with young children are welcome to join in this brief chapel service for children.
Told based on the Spark Story Bible story “The Holy Spirit”, copyright 2009, Augsburg Fortress Publishing. Shared by permission.

Children’s Chapel – Jesus Makes Us Part of His Work

Peace Preschool families and all others with young children are welcome to join in this brief chapel service for children.
Told based on the Spark Story Bible story “The Great Commission”, copyright 2009, Augsburg Fortress Publishing. Shared by permission.

Preventative Health Care

June is Men’s Health Awareness Month and is used to promote healthy practices in men like exercising, healthy eating and regular health checkups. In honor of this month,


Weekly Connections

Lectionary & Life – Discussion Group
Sundays at 5:00 PM
Join from your computer, tablet or phone on GotoMeeting*
*See the weekly email or email us for the access details
Morning Prayer
Mondays at 9:00 AM


Staying Behind…

I’m not sure how you’re feeling as this new chaotic world continues to swirl around our enclosed lives. Everyday life seems full of the shadows of strange threats where we are accustomed to feeling safe


CROP Walk 2020 – Thank You!

A huge thank you to each of the PLC walkers/fundraisers that helped us again exceed our goal of $10,000. Rodger Ericson has been a rock star for us


Children’s Chapel – The Road to Emmaus


Peace Preschool families and all others with young children are welcome to join in this brief chapel service for children.
Told based on the Spark Story Bible story “The Road to Emmaus”, copyright 2009, Augsburg Fortress Publishing. Shared by permission.

Last Call For Crop Walk 2020

LAST CALL for the Leander-Cedar Park CROP Hunger Walk!
For everyone’s convenience, please go to here and make your donation count toward the Peace Lutheran goal of $10,000. We have currently raised $8,902. Thank you for your support!

Worshipping with Lord of Life

Peace folks – you have no doubt heard and seen new faces in our worship life. If you hadn’t already heard, we are blessed to be able to join in worshipping with our neighbor congregation, Lord of Life Lutheran Church, during this time.


What Now?

Journeying through Holy Week and Easter may have brought a new sense of unsettledness to some of us…as surely as it brought joy at the resurrection dawn. In Lent, it made a certain kind of sense to find ourselves in the wilderness…with things missing from our lives…but now?


Rummage Sale 2020

The Youth Rummage Sale has been moved to Saturday, October 10th due to social distancing. Please hang on to any items you were going to donate until we can make arrangements to receive those. If you were planning on helping sell or coming to buy, please put our new date on your schedule. Questions can go to

VBS 2020 Update

After much deliberation, Spiritual Development board has decided it is in the best interest of all to cancel VBS for this summer. This difficult decision came after considering many options


The New Normal

How is it affecting you? Are you missing your family and friends? Feeling isolated? Feeling anxious? Enjoying the quiet time at home? Working from home and teaching your kids? Everybody is dealing with their own challenges during this time of sheltering in place,


Easter Egg Hunt with Goosechase

This year for our ‘social distancing’ Egg Hunt, we will be using an app called Goosechase. Be sure to download the app onto a smartphone before Easter so you can participate Easter Sunday at 11:30!  Find the game code in the weekly email or email us at You can find the app on the App Store or Google Play

Holy Week Schedule

While it may feel strange to celebrate Easter in isolation, God’s time helps us learn how to live in our own. And death could not stop Christ from rising, and living, and loving, and redeeming the world two-thousand years ago…and a global pandemic won’t stop him now.


Weekly Connection Schedule

Monday – Morning prayer at 9:00 am on Facebook Live

Tuesday – Book Conversation Night at 8:00 pm on GoToMeeting*


Mind-Body Skills Groups

There is no doubt that we are all likely facing feelings of stress or anxiety during the current pandemic. Maybe you are isolated from your loved ones, maybe the reality of financial hardship is starting to dawn, or maybe you are feeling overwhelmed


ELCA Resource for Home Worship

ELCA publishes resources for worship in the home. Find them here

Update for CROP Walk – April 2020

As with many other events in this COVID-19 environment, the Leander-Cedar Park CROP Hunger Walk has been cancelled. Although the walk has been cancelled, the fundraising has not


Preventing Disease Every Day

In light of the current events regarding coronavirus, it brings about thoughts on how we can best care for ourselves not just now, but in our everyday life. The decisions we make about how we treat our bodies can impact the health of those around us as well.


Stewardship Notes April 2020

This month, our Stewardship emphasis is that we are Stewards of God’s Creation. From the beginning of the Book of Genesis, we learn that when God created humanity, He created us to have dominion over other animals


COVID-19 and Information Security

During our time of social distancing, we’ve focused on the physical and mental health of ourselves and community to ensure our wellbeing. A Public Service Announcement released by the FBI last week warns us of another area of concern,