Children’s Communion Classes

Elementary school-aged children and their families are invited to join us for a two-session Communion Class on February 25 and March 4, from 12:30 to about 3:00 pm. We will begin each session with lunch. One week we will visit a local ceramics studio, and the other we will explore the stories and ritual of communion here at church. A suggested donation of $25 per child, or $40 per family.
Facilitators: Pastor Carolyn and Jacob Thogmartin
Location: Narthex (with offsite elements)

Paschal Candle Creation Event

On: Sunday, March 4, beginning at 3:30PM, come help create our 2018 Paschal candle on March 4. We will have snacks and bible study as the wax melts. Come whenever you can and stay as long as you are able. The event will continue through the dinner hour, and you may feel free to bring food to share. 


Lent at Peace

February 21 through March 21, we will worship with Holden Evening Prayer at 7:00 pm, preceded by a potluck dinner at 6:00 pm. As part of our worship services, Judy Olson will be directing short dramas around themes from the life of Martin Luther and the theology of the Reformation.

Thank You: Souper Bowl of Caring

 On February 4, 2018, members of the Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Study Group received a special offering in the narthex after the Sunday morning worship services, on behalf of the ELCA World Hunger Appeal, as Peace Lutheran Church’s participation in the Souper Bowl of Caring.   The total amount received was $1,235.  Thank you for your generous response!

A Discernment Journey

Peace is Jumping into the Missional River!

Peace is at an exciting moment in our life together, with many possibilities before us. And this year, we are entering a process with other local congregations to listen for where God is at work in our neighborhood and how we are called to be a part of kingdom’s work in this chapter of our life!

This December, the Congregation Council voted to join in “Leading in the Missional River,” a program of LEAD ( This year-long process will focus on “resourcing congregational leadership with new behaviors and tools to tune in and connect with God’s mission for their neighborhoods and lead courageously in a changing world and a changing church. 


Posada Esperanza

On March 18th at 4:00 PM, volunteers from Peace Lutheran Church are welcome to join us at Posada Esperanza, the family shelter of Casa Marianella. they are a full-service transitional housing program for immigrant mothers and their children, escaping domestic or cultural violence. Occupying four homes in East Austin, they currently house 14 mothers and nearly 30 children!
Youth and adults are welcome to help out. We will be doing anything they require of us, which differs depending on the day.


Budget Update 2017 Year End

Our generous Peace congregation helped us end 2017 on a positive note. We exceeded our budgeted income in both the General Operating and Building Funds, and ended the year with a surplus. This will help us support more outreach and programs in 2018. High five to all donors!

Spring Work Day – March 3

Have you ever heard the saying “Many Hands make the load light?” This is especially true in maintaining our property, both inside and out. The Peace Property Board is hosting a Spring Workday on Saturday, March 3 from 9 AM to 12 PM. We are asking all who are able to roll up their sleeves and help with projects that range from spreading mulch to changing light bulbs. Plan to stop by the Narthex around 9 AM on Saturday, March 3 for hot coffee and snacks, fun and fellowship, and a task for the morning. Your service to Peace is appreciated.

Family Promise has ended in Austin

This past December, Foundation for the Homeless gathered the coordinators from the churches and synagogues that participated in Family Promise to announce that their participation in this program was ending, effective January 1.

The new leadership in Foundation for the Homeless felt that they needed to find better ways to support the clients. With the loss of the Day Resource Center a couple of years ago, the clients no longer had any place to go during the day and were left to figure things out on their own. This often meant trying to find a recreational center or some other place where they could stay until they could return to the church. There were several other concerns brought up including driving distance and frequently changing work schedules which made it difficult for the families.


Preparing to Elect a Bishop

Preparing to Elect a Bishop
Capital North Conference Gathering
Sunday, February 18 at 3:00 PM
Immanuel Lutheran Church in Pflugerville
All Peace congregation members are invited to a gathering of congregations in the Capital North Conference in preparation for the synod assembly in May when a new bishop will be elected. There will be a “Pre-identification Ballot” at this gathering where anyone who wishes may submit a name of someone they think should be nominated in May.
They are preparing a barbecue meal for all who are attending, so please RSVP to Pastor Carolyn as soon as possible, so she can pass along numbers for meal planning!

7 Healthy Spiritual Practices

Cultivating our faith life is an important part of wellness. Here are a few ways to gain new perspective of yourself, others, and God throughout this new year of 2018.
1. Try praying at different times during the day. You may notice that you pray differently at different times of the day.
2. Laughter and rejoicing need to be a part of our faith life. Think of something funny that has happened, and thank God for giving us humor in our lives.
3. Loving yourself is the first step in “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Spend a few minutes writing about what it means to love yourself. Remember that God loves you.


Keeping Lent at Peace

At 7:00 pm on February 14, Ash Wednesday, we begin our holy journey through the season of Lent with worship with imposition of ashes. Wednesdays, February 21 through March 21, we will worship with Holden Evening Prayer at 7:00
pm, preceded by a potluck dinner at 6:00 pm. As part of our worship services, Judy Olson will be directing short dramas around themes from the life of Martin Luther and the theology of the Reformation.

Kitchen Clean-Up for Lent

Let’s Get Ready! It’s almost time for Lent and our kitchen is in need of some TLC. Besides a good scrubbing, there is a need for more organizing. Saturday, February 3, we will be cleaning ovens, refrigerator, floors, and whatever else is needed. Please join us at 9:00 a.m. if you are able. With many hands it should not take long. There will be coffee and snacks (but please don’t make a mess). Contact Ernie Klatt or Jan Massa with any questions.

Pancake Breakfast, February 11

Peace’s traditional Transfiguration Sunday Breakfast will take place during Community Connections (9:45am) in the Education Building. Tickets for the breakfast are $6 for adults, $3 for children with a max of $20 for family. The money raised will go to our Camp Scholarship Fund.

Reconciling in Christ Celebration

This Sunday, January 28,  join Peace Lutheran for a rainbow breakfast celebration at 9:30 AM of our LGBTQ siblings. We’ll mark the occasion by officially announcing our membership in, which advocates for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Lutherans in all aspects of the life of their Church, congregations, and community. All…all…all…all are welcome!

Youth Group Super Bowl Sandwiches

The Peace Lutheran Youth Group is fundraising for the National Youth Gathering this summer and could use your support. The youth group is making ‘Super Bowl Subs’ on February 4th, and you can order one for yourself or a loved one for $8 in the church narthex on the Sundays leading up to the Super Bowl. Thank you for helping us get to Houston!

Sign-Up for Fellowship Treats

Are you tired of boring snacks at church? Do you love to bake but don’t know what to do with all the goods you produce? Do you want to showcase your baking during fellowship? Then our new fellowship program is for you! You can now sign up for a Sunday to bring all the fellowship snacks. Bring whatever you’d like (nut and peanut free, please)! If you’d like to sign up here for an upcoming Sunday to bake/prepare the fellowship food, or contact Katie Van Gulick. Thanks and happy baking!

Communications Manager Position Open

Peace Lutheran Church is seeking to hire a part-time Communications Manager. The ideal candidate
is excellent with written communication, organized, detail-oriented, and has some graphic-design or web-design experience or knowledge. This position requires passion for the life of the church and an understanding of (or eagerness to learn about) liturgical worship. This position has the flexibility to allow some work from home, preferably with at least 4 hours in the office most weeks on Thursdays or Fridays.


Monthly 3rd Friday Dinner Group

You are invited to join a rather large and diverse group of Peace friends and family for a monthly dinner. If you are interested in receiving an email about when and where we are going, please send an email to You will be added to the list and can choose whether to attend or not on a monthly basis. You don’t need to be a Peace member to join the group. We usually meet at a local restaurant at 7 PM on the 3rd Friday for fun-filled conversation, dining and fellowship.  Occasionally, we meet at a local home for a Potluck Dinner or we meet on a Saturday afternoon. On January 19, we’re either eating at Almarah (Mediterranean) or Carrabba’s (Italian). It will be finanlized by January 13, so sign up and list your preference if you want to attend. We’re looking forward to seeing you! 

​Building Healthy Community

Make & Take Meals​

​Are you a single person who gets tired of eating the same thing everyday? Or, making a recipe that takes all week to finish? Did you know that socialization and doing things for others, enhances our sense of well-being/happiness? Please join Cindy Gust at her home for healthy food preparation and meal exchange. This first exchange will be on Jan.14th at 2 pm. Cindy will have 7 stations where people can prepare their recipes. Once cooked, the food will be packaged and each person will take home 7 different meals for the week! Please bring recipe, the required food to prepare, and containers for packaging the recipe. This is limited to 7 people. Please call Cindy Gust by Friday, January 12 to reserve your spot.

Important Opportunities in the Community Coming Up!

There are a number of events coming up in the wider Lutheran community well worth your consideration. If you are interested in attending and in need of financial support to make your participation possible, please feel free to contact Pastor Carolyn. We don’t want money to be the barrier that prevents anyone from doing the ministry to which they are called!

Saturday, February 3

Senior Fest

(Christ Lutheran in Georgetown)

Keynote speaker will be Rev. Dr. Gerald Kieschnick speaking on “Being Lutheran in 2018,” and a wide variety of workshop sessions will be available. Early registration is $25 (through January 28). More information at:



MLK Day of Service

“Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great because greatness is determined by service…You only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love.”
—Martin Luther King Jr.

As we near the annual celebration of the life of Martin Luther King Jr. we would like to honor him with a day of service. This year we have looked internally to members of our own congregation who could use some help. This may include:
1. housework,
2. maintenance, or
3. yard work.


Support Peace With Amazon Smile

***Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday and throughout the year and Amazon donates to Peace Lutheran Church. All you have to do is start by clicking here:

Faith Community Health Ministries

 New Ministry to Start at Peace

I am excited and blessed at the opportunity to begin a health ministry at Peace Lutheran Church. I come to Peace as a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Parish Nurse Association and the Texas Health Ministries Network. You can read about Parish nursing in past editions of Living Lutheran or at To start this ministry, we will begin by offering Blood Pressure screenings on the second Sunday of the month, in the Narthex, starting at 9:45 am.