Peace is Jumping into the Missional River!
Peace is at an exciting moment in our life together, with many possibilities before us. And this year, we are entering a process with other local congregations to listen for where God is at work in our neighborhood and how we are called to be a part of kingdom’s work in this chapter of our life!
This December, the Congregation Council voted to join in “Leading in the Missional River,” a program of LEAD ( This year-long process will focus on “resourcing congregational leadership with new behaviors and tools to tune in and connect with God’s mission for their neighborhoods and lead courageously in a changing world and a changing church.
There are three main parts of this process. First, the congregation will form a LEAD Team which will help the whole congregation through the process. The LEAD Team will meet monthly with a coach to offer guidance and accountability on the journey. They will also attend (as may any congregation member who wishes to join) three two-day cohort gathering with other participating congregations and the LEAD instructors. Finally, the whole congregation will be invited to use the tools and resources to connect more deeply to our community and seek out God’s action and calling for us. Click
here to watch stories from congregations who have participated in the Missional River.
If you are interested in attending the first cohort gathering, mark your calendar for March 2-3. You are welcome to attend even if you can only come on Saturday. We will meet with other participating congregations at Ebenezer Lutheran Church (291 Church St. in Maxwell, Texas). Cost will depend upon accommodations and travel plans, but the seminar itself costs only $25 per participant. Registration is due by February 19. It is easy to register through the synod website If you are interested in being a part of the LEAD team you can download an application here: Application for LEAD Team FINAL and return it to Pastor Carolyn by February 16, or pick up a copy at church.