COVID rates remain elevated, so we remain in the Medium phase of the APH and CDC staging system. This means we continue wearing masks in worship and holding fellowship outdoors only, when the weather allows.
The Regathering Task Force has looked at the current situation and future contingencies and is currently be recommending that in the Low level of risk masks will be optional and fellowship with food and beverages may continue indoors. Whenever we reach Medium, we will be asking those at public gatherings like worship or any gathering with more than 25 people present to wear masks. At Medium, any food or drink fellowship will be outdoors, weather permitting. At both these levels, small groups may discern together when masking as a group might be the right choice for them.
Given the nature of the new Low/Medium/High staging system…it seems possible that we may switch back and forth often from week to week. We will try to keep the email and website up to date with our current level. For your planning, though, you may presume at Low that masks will be optional and coffee may be served…and at Medium, we will all wear masks.
Thank you for your continued commitment to care for yourselves and one another and our wider community.