Lent 2022

Lent 2022: Cultivating & Letting Go

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday worship at 7:00 pm on March 2 and we will be offering both in-person and online ways to connect to worship by that time.
This Lenten season, we will reflect on the theme of Cultivating & Letting Go. On Wednesday evenings we will worship with Holden Evening Prayer, and reflect on the weekly scriptures through conversation, journaling, and contemplative coloring. On Sunday mornings, we will worship with familiar words in a slightly unfamiliar order…beginning at the table of Holy Communion and then turning to Scripture and prayer. After Sunday service, all are invited to remain connected for a time of visioning exercises on our individual and communal lives and what we are called to cultivate and to let go of in the coming season.
A care package of Lent resources will be available for each congregational household at church starting February 20. Feel free to stop by church between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm to pick up Lenten resources for your home February 20 or 27. If we can deliver a bag to your home instead, please just let us know. We’d love to bring them to you if that would be the best way for you to get them.