The Program Year Begins! Here are the Faith Formation Connections coming up:
Sunday School – We will be joining with leaders from across the Austin area for virtual Sunday School to begin the year, until it feels a little safer for meeting in person. We will meet on Zoom on Sundays from 3:30 – 4:15 pm.
Confirmation Kick Off! – This year, we join with Lord of Life Lutheran Church for our confirmation programming. Students from 6th-8th grades are invited (as well as anyone who’s confirmation journey timing might be a little different). We’ll have an orientation on Sunday from 5:00-6:30 pm. Students are invited to join at 5:00. The grown ups can plan to join at 5:45. We’ll make our covenant for community, talk about our curriculum – Manna & Mercy, and look at the calendar.
Youth Group – Our high school youth will also be invited to join with youth from Lord of Life for some special events this year. We hope an in person kick off will be possible soon. So…pending confirmation of pandemic safety – pencil in Sunday, September 26 at 6:00 pm for a pool party to begin the year!
Community Connections – Adult Faith Formation – This year, we will discuss a wide variety of topics…beginning with some online sessions and moving back to in person or hybrid options as we can. If you have topics you want to learn about (or teach!) please email Pastor Carolyn. Our first session will be on zoom on Sunday, September 19 at 1:00 pm, discussing the podcast The Bible and Climate Change: Genesis from the Salt Collective. You can listen here in advance of our session to prepare.
You can find all the Zoom links in the weekly email. Please feel free to email us to get the link or subscribe to the email newsletter. We’d love to have you join us!