Each Sunday during we will gather around the sacrament of Holy Communion. And, like everything else in this age of pandemic, it’s going to look and feel different – and we trust God will be revealed in new and wonderful ways even as we muddle through what is not yet familiar. Below is a description of what we will be doing…and if you have any questions at all…please don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Carolyn
You hopefully have received a care package with wine or juice and packets of dry ingredients and a booklet with instructions for making your own communion bread. If you can’t bake, or didn’t get a package, simple items you already have at home will be enough.
To underscore the church’s proclamation that the Sacraments are present when the Body of Christ is gathered for worship…we feel called to share in the Sacrament of Communion when we can all be present at the same time…even as our gathering is spread across wider space. To allow for the Service of the Word and Thanksgiving for Baptism to be available throughout the week for those who cannot join us live on Sunday morning, there are a few logistics to consider
Following is a step by step guide to Sunday morning. Please note that if you want to join us for communion, it will ONLY be available live on Sunday morning!
1) Part 1: Join in the Service of the Word & Thanksgiving for Baptism exactly where and how you have been for the past few months – on facebook, at peaceaustin.org, or by dialing in at 512-886-8617. The service will be live at 10 am, as usual.
2) Part 2: If you are continuing for communion…there are two ways to connect immediately after the Service of the Word & Thanksgiving for Baptism – zoom or facebook live. (The liturgy, proper will begin at 11:15.)
a) Zoom – You can connect with your computer, tablet, or smartphone at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88085339193. Or you can call (346) 248-7799. When prompted, you can can enter the meeting ID: 880 8533 9193 and then hit the “#” button. If prompted for a participant ID, you can just hit # again. You do not need a Participant ID to join the session.
b) Facebook Live – If you cannot connect to zoom, you should be able to see a new Facebook video go live after Part 1 of worship ends, and participate there.
Following the Communion Service, you are welcome to stay on the zoom meeting for fellowship. The livestream to Facebook will end after the liturgy concludes.
We know this may feel a bit complicated, but we hope the transition between these two portions of our worship will be smooth and will allow the largest number of people to join in our worshipping community. If you have questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.